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TRUNK OR TREAT will be held on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30 immediately after church. For those of you not familiar with this, it is a Halloween celebration Threshold has held every year for the kids. The children will be able to wear their costumes to church that day, the adults stand by their cars in the parking lot after the service, and then our little (and big) trick or treaters go around and gather their treats. This is such fun for our children, I know they look forward to it every year. Please join us. Everyone who chooses to participate needs to provide candy for about 40 kids. It does not need to be anything expensive or fancy. One of our kids has a peanut allergy, so please separate your treats that contain peanuts from those that do not. Once again, thank you for your help with such a special event. Let us know if you have questions.


OUR NAME CHANGE – As was announced last Sunday, our name change has been approved by the State of Ohio.  We are now “officially” Threshold Church at Union Centre. We are in the process of getting everything changed over.  This includes website, bank and other financial information, signage, etc.  Please bear with us a bit longer as we work on updating these things as quickly as possible.  At this time, please continue making checks payable to Fresh Winds Church, however, this will change soon so please watch for details.


ARE YOU PRAYING??? – We continue our 40-day Prayer Covenant.  Please pray for our country and for our leaders.  And pray that the results of this election will be in accordance with God’s will for us.  Pray daily in this turbulent time.


OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – Don’t forget our children will be collecting items to fill the shoe boxes through November 13th.  Pick up a sheet at the Christmas Child table to see what items are needed – and what are NOT needed – for the children.


MEN’S MINISTRY – The men are continuing to meet each Saturday morning at 7:30 here at The Centre.  All men of Threshold (and their guests) are invited for this time of fellowship.  Bring your own coffee.  Come and enjoy.