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JAB NEW SERIES – This Wednesday – November 30th – we will begin a new study of the Gospel of Luke.  During the weeks of Advent, we will be looking at the introduction, some revelations (no, not THAT Revelation!) telling of the birth of John the Baptist and the birth of Jesus Christ, and other events leading up to the birth of Jesus as we get closer to Christmas.  The rest of Luke will be explored as we go into the New Year.  This is an excellent time to join in on a study.  Won’t you please consider at least giving JAB a try?  7:00 pm, at The Centre.  Bring your Bible.


NEW WOMEN’S STUDY – “Discerning the Voice of God, How to Recognize When God Speaks” is the new women’s study that will begin in January.  The video series is by Priscilla Shirer, the same woman who had the last study on prayer.  There will be a Monday evening group beginning January 16th and a Wednesday morning group beginning January 18th.  Cost of supplies will be $15-$20.  Please contact either Diana Stroh ( or 513-257-4420) or Carol Prazynski ( or 513-702-1662) to register or for more information.  They would like to know ASAP who is coming so the books can be ordered.


OUR FAMILY TREE – The Christmas tree in the Fellowship Area is our family tree.  It is bare of ornaments.  It is that way so each Threshold family can bring in an ornament to decorate the tree so we can celebrate our coming together for our first Christmas as a “blended” church family.  Bring an ornament and hang it on “our” tree.


OUR OFFICIAL NAME CHANGE – We are getting closer but at this time please continue making checks payable to Fresh Winds Church.  Watch for details as this continues to unfold.


NEW WEBSITE – Be sure to check out our new website at Explore all the tabs to see and follow what is going on here at Threshold.  This is a fluid document that will be updated regularly so keep watching.  Send us your suggestions at