ARE YOU PRAYING??? – Please continue to pray for our country and our veterans. Pray that the divisions that separate us will become the glue that holds us together and that we come together behind our President-elect and truly make these the UNITED States again.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD – The kids will be packing the items for the Christmas boxes this morning, and they will be sent this week. Thank you to all who donated to this great cause.
OUR NAME CHANGE – As was previously announced, our name change has been approved by the State of Ohio. We are now “officially” Threshold Church at Union Centre. We are in the process of getting everything changed over including website, bank and other financial information, signage, etc. Please bear with us a bit longer as we work on this. We have also found that we need a document from the IRS that may take several more weeks, so at this time please continue making checks payable to Fresh Winds Church. Watch for details as this continues to unfold.
NEW WEBSITE – Be sure to check out our new website at Explore all the tabs to see and follow what is going on here at Threshold. This is a fluid document that will be updated regularly so keep watching. Send us your suggestions at