LENT – Are you really using these 40 Days of Renewal to draw yourself closer to God? Consider daily devotions. Or Scripture reading. Or paying for the car behind you in the Starbucks or fast-food line. Or fasting from your many “screens”. Or other random acts of kindness. Or bring donations to our food pantry. How will you honor this season?
HOLY WEEK – Maundy Thursday services will be held on April 13th at 7:00 pm. Please plan to attend this special time as we prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Easter celebration will be at our normal Sunday time of 10:00 am.
ELDERS – Please pray for the Elders as they meet today after our services.
FIX-UP, PAINT-UP, AND BEAUTIFY – We will be holding a painting and slight re-decorating party on Friday evening, March 31st at 6pm, and Saturday morning, April 1st at 9am. We plan to re-paint the entryway and fellowship areas, and create some “cozier” fellowshipping areas. If you like to paint – or even if you don’t, but can – please sign up on the list in the back. We will provide paint, but if you can bring brushes, rollers, and even a ladder, that would help tremendously. We will have pizza on Friday evening, and donuts on Saturday morning for our painters and helpers. Adults only, please.
BREATHE: Making Room for Sabbath – is a new women’s study series beginning April 3rd. Monday group meets 6:30-8:30 pm at Patty Pennington’s house; Wednesday group meets 10:00am-Noon at The Centre. Cost of study book is $10. Let Diana Stroh know by email – firebrew2@aol.com – if you will be attending so she can order enough books.
SATURDAY MEN’S FELLOWSHIP –the men’s group is now studying the Book of Romans, based on John Stott’s study guide, Romans: Encountering the Gospel’s Power. This is a good time to join us at 7:30 on Saturday mornings. Get a study guide when possible (Amazon has it at $5.08). Bring your Bible and your coffee.
JAB – Just A Bible continues on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30. Come join us for an in-depth look at the Gospel of Luke.