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NEW SIGN – Just to bring you up to date, we have finally received permits from the Landlord, the Township, and the County to replace the sign on the building.  Everything, including the down-payment, has been sent to the sign contractor and they have given us a time estimate of 3-4 weeks to get sign made and installed.  Hang on, it’s coming!  And just so you are aware of some of our expenses, there were $343.00 in fees for the various permits, not including the cost of the sign and installation. DID YOU KNOW? – That an audio replay of each Sunday’s sermon is available on our website?  The most recent one (normally posted on Tuesday mornings) is at the bottom of the home page.  Archived sermons, going back to September of last year, are available when you click on “Listen” at the top of any website page.  

PRAYER –The staff gets together each week, normally at 11 am on Tuesdays, to pray for the needs of Threshold Church and its family.  If you have any specific prayer requests, please send them to, or go to on our website to have them included, as well as sent out via our email prayer line.  If you want your prayer to remain confidential and not sent out on email, please specify that in your request.


SUMMER READING GROUP – Jodi Worthington is leading a Summer Reading Group on Monday nights through June 26th at Panera @ Union Centre. Meet at 6:30 pm if you’d like to have dinner first. Otherwise, the discussion will run from 7:15 to 8:15/8:30 p.m. The book chosen was Just One Touch by Cynthia C. Goyang.


MEN’S BIBLE FELLOWSHIP – The “James Gang” bible-study and fellowship meets each Saturday morning at 7:30. Come give us a try. Bring your own coffee.

What Does the Lord Require?

Bob Burgher

Deuteronomy 6:4-9


I.     The Greatest Commandment. Deuteronomy 6:1-9

A. The Lord’s Command to His People. (Verses 4-6)

(Mark 12:28-30; Colossians 1:11-14)

B. Teach Your Children. (Verses 7-9)

II. Application

A. The Christian Man.

(I Corinthians 6:19; Matthew 6:33)

B. The Christian Father

(Ephesians 5:25; Job 1:4-5; Ephesians 6:4; John 2:52; I Timothy 3:4-5)