DID YOU KNOW? – That you can follow along with the sermons on the YouVersion feature of the Bible App on your phone or tablet. In the app, go to the menu, then to Events, then click on the event for Threshold Church at Union Centre. The sermon from the immediate past Sunday will be available until the following Saturday, the current one will be available beginning Fridays. It also shows the weekly announcements.
SUMMER READING – The reading group will meet Monday July 24th, July 31st and August 7th at Panera off Union Center. Book discussion starts at 7:15, but join us for dinner at 6:30 if you’d like! We will be reading a novella from A Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers. This book contains 5 novellas – we will be reading Unveiled (first two chapters for first week). We will plan on reading the others when we hold future book clubs! You can order this book from Amazon for $9.60. Also available on Kindle. If you are interested in joining, please contact Jodi Worthington 513-290-8309 or Worthington.jodi@gmail.com
MARK VALENTINE SCHOLARSHIP EVENT – Deb Steel and Ashley Valentine are having a get together at their home when they will give out Mark’s scholarship for this year and want to invite their Threshold family. Saturday, July 22, 2017 from 5-10pm; 6018 Eaglet Drive, West Chester, OH 45069; 513-942-0929. RSVP nice but not necessary.
WALK TO EMMAUS – If you would like more details on how this three-day weekend can change your life, please see the information, including dates, on the bulletin board or feel free to contact Bill or Pat Lindenschmidt – 513-671-7059.
The Trellis and the Vine:
Nurturing the Vine
Dave Brown
2 Corinthians 1; Ephesians 4:29-32; Isaiah 26:3,41:10
I. How we are hurt
C. Actions
D. Trauma/tragedy
E. Result- struggle to attach
II. How we are healed
A. Grace & Truth
B. Time
C. Safe people
D. Growing in Christ
E.Result- peace, stability
III. How we help others
A. Active Listening skills
B. Encourage community vs. Isolation
C. Conditions- warmth, empathy, respect
D. Holistic care – including medical
E. Result-A Caring Equipping Community