WANT AN EASY WAY TO SERVE OUR CHURCH? – Consider giving a half hour or so of your time on Sundays after our service to count the offering. With enough volunteers, this would only be a once-a-month commitment, or less. If interested, please see Bill Lindenschmidt or contact Bill at bill@thresholdchurchonline.com.
ROAD-RUNNER EMAILS – We have been having trouble for those of you with Time-Warner RoadRunner emails. For some reason, they are mostly being returned to us as undeliverable. We are working to overcome this problem. If there is a way that you can “approve” us through your TWC settings, please do so. Please include any email addresses that end with “@thresholdchurchonline.com” as you may be getting messages from several different sources within the church.
JUST A BIBLE (JAB) – Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm at The Centre, we are now gathering for our continuing study of the Gospel of Luke. Please come and join us, and as the name says, just bring a bible.
TWO OR MORE – Two or More is starting the new year this Friday, the 13th, at Sue Burgher’s home (6963 Francis Drive, Liberty Twp, 45044). Please join us for a time of catching-up and looking ahead. If you can bring a food item to share, that would be great, but if you can’t please come anyway. Contact Linda Stone (513-265-5120) or Sue Burgher (513-759-2160) with your RSVP or any questions. Hope to see you at 6:20!
NEW WEBSITE – Don’t forget to check out our new website at thresholdchurchonline.com if you haven’t already done so. Explore all the tabs to see and follow what is going on here at Threshold. This is a fluid document that will be updated regularly.
BAD WEATHER NOTICES – Just FYI, if bad weather this winter forces cancellation of our Sunday service or any other activities, an email will be sent out as soon as decision is made, and notice will be posted on Facebook and website. Check these sites if in doubt.