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WEBSITE – Are you using our website?  If not, why not?  Do you have any suggestions on how we can make it better?  Let us know…email Bill or others through the website, or go to “Contact Us”.


HOPE IN HEALING – The Biblically-based grief support group is open to anyone who has suffered loss. The new 9-week session starts on Feb 21 from 7-8:30 pm at CenterPointe Christian Church on Hamilton Mason Road. For more info, contact Diana Stroh,


FACE TO FACE – Coming on Saturdays in March is a new experience in the Emmaus tradition for folks 60 and older, or for those with infirmities that would keep them from overnight stays.  The program is designed to inspire, challenge and equip you for Christian action in your home, church, and community.  This short course in Christianity will help you become a more effective disciple of Jesus Christ and actively engage in God’s mission. This will be held at Zion United Methodist Church, 4980 Zion Road, Cleves. Flyers and registration forms are on the bulletin board.  Contact Bill or Pat Lindenschmidt for more info – 513-671-7059.


JUST A BIBLE (JAB) – Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm at The Centre.  The study of the Gospel of Luke continues. Please come and join us, and as the name says, just bring a bible.


SATURDAY MEN’S FELLOWSHIP –the men’s group is now launching a study of the Book of Romans, based on John Stott’s study guide, Romans: Encountering the Gospel’s Power.  This is a good time to join us at 7:30 on Saturday mornings.  Get a study guide when possible (Amazon has it at $5.08), and bring your Bible and your coffee.


TWO OR MORE – Ladies, there is no Two or More for February, but please keep a sharp eye out for March and April dates. RSVPs will be needed.