LENT – Are you really using these 40 Days of Renewal to draw yourself closer to God? Consider daily devotions. Or Scripture reading. Or paying for the car behind you in the Starbucks or fast-food line. Or fasting from your many “screens”. Or other random acts of kindness. Or bring donations to our food pantry. How will you honor this season?
HOLY WEEK – Maundy Thursday services will be held on April 13th at 7:00 pm. Please plan to attend this special time as we prepare our hearts for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Easter celebration will be at our normal Sunday time of 10:00 am.
FACILITIES UPDATE – Just to bring everyone up-to-date, here is what is happening around Threshold Church at Union Centre: As you can see, the painting of the entry/fellowship area is complete; may be more painting of other areas, but that will come later; Search for new music director is moving forward, but slowly; We are in contact with sign company and are in final stages of approving new signage, both on the building and a new sign at the street; We are awaiting quotes for new stage lighting and that should come in near future; Working on faster/better internet/WiFi connections but we are limited with what we can get so this is on-going at this time; Website is completed, but changes will continue to happen from time to time (some were just recently implemented).
SAVE THE DATE: Our 2017 Church Picnic is scheduled for the afternoon of June 4th. Please plan on attending. More details will be forthcoming.
BREATHE: Making Room for Sabbath – if you have already signed up, this is a reminder that the study series begins this week. Monday group meets 6:30-8:30 pm at Patty Pennington’s house; Wednesday group meets 10:00am-Noon at The Centre. Cost of study book is $10, give payment to Diana or Carol, checks can be made out to Threshold Church.
SATURDAY MEN’S FELLOWSHIP –the men’s group is now studying the Book of Romans, based on John Stott’s study guide, Romans: Encountering the Gospel’s Power. This is a good time to join us at 7:30 on Saturday mornings. Get a study guide when possible (Amazon has it at $5.08). Bring your Bible and your coffee.