SAVE THE DATE – The annual Threshold picnic will be on Sunday, June 4th after church. So mark your calendars! It will be at the Fort Liberty Playland again, but this year we have the larger shelter in the back of the park. This means we will have much more space and much more shade! Details and sign up info to follow.
JUST A BIBLE – JAB continues on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. Now studying the Gospel of Luke. Even if you haven’t attended before, come and see what we are about.
SATURDAY MEN’S FELLOWSHIP – All men of Threshold, and guests, are welcome to join us on Saturday mornings at 7:30. We gather for a time of fellowship and to talk about the Book of Romans, facilitated by John Stott’s book, Romans: Encountering the Gospel’s Power. Please consider joining us. Bring your own coffee.
PRAYER – Did you know that the staff gets together each week, normally at 11 am on Tuesdays, to pray for the needs of Threshold Church and its family? If you have any specific prayer requests, please send them to, or go to on our website to have them included, as well as sent out via our email prayer line. If you want your prayer to remain confidential, please specify that in your request.
TAPESTRY: Faithfulness Woven By Unseen Hands
The Tragedy Of The Moab Road
Jason Burgher
Ruth 1:1-5
Tragic Days: Ruth 1:1; Judges 2:8-13, 21:25
Tragic Road: Ruth 1:1
Tragic Family: Ruth 1:2
Elimelech ‘My God is king.’ Naomi ‘Sweet, pleasant, delightful.’ Mahlon ‘Sickly, weak.’ Chilion ‘Failing or pining away.’ Orpah ‘Stiff-necked or stubborn.’ Ruth ‘Friendship or companionship.’
Tragic Fallout: Ruth 1:3-5